If you look closely you can see the drawing for the
Front Door Trim
And the Trim Work is Up
Side View of the Front Door
Wainscoating Going Up in the Dining Room
Door Trim, Wainscoating & a Column That
Really adds to it All. When we saw it in the Drawings
we knew it would look great. And it is.
Transom Window over the door to the Kitchen
Mullions will be Added
The Stair Trim has Begun
0 Degree Weather and Plenty of Snow
I think it's Going to be awhile before the Outside Masonry Work
Starts Up Again
So I’m
pretty sure now that Christmas is over it’s safe to say that the elves have
been relieved of their toy making duties and have now returned to work at our
house. Thank you Santa.
it has nothing to do with Santa. Or the subs. It’s all about proper scheduling.
And if the backroom doesn’t get it right and schedule the subs properly then
the work doesn’t happen. Plain and simple.
Speaking of
subs, we’re fortunate that we have true craftsmen doing the interior work.
Finish work is not easy. Corners must be mitered correctly. Doors must close correctly
and everything must fit together perfectly. This is what everyone sees and when
it’s not right, most, maybe not all, but most will notice. And that’s what they
leave with. We know when we have visitors they’ll see the fine workmanship of
the carpenters who are putting the finish trim work in our house. We hope they
like what they see. We do so far.
Enjoy your